Warm-up excercise: Super heroes

Warm-up excercise: Super heroes

Warm-up exercises play a crucial role in setting the tone for effective meetings. They help establish engagement, encourage participation, and create an environment where ideas can flow freely. The main benefits include:

  • Encouraging participation and engagement – When people contribute at the beginning of a meeting, they are more likely to remain active throughout the entire session.
  • Shifting focus and resetting the mind – Warm-ups help participants transition from previous tasks and prepare for the discussion ahead.
  • Building trust and common ground – Especially helpful for new teams or team members, warm-up exercises create a sense of connection and collaboration.


A creative and lighthearted game that encourages participants to step out of their comfort zones and think imaginatively.

Game Details:

  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Participants: 4-12
  • ✍️ Prep Time: 2 min
  • 🕑 Duration: 10 min
  • ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪ Difficulty: Easy

“Superheroes” is a simple and engaging warm-up exercise that energizes participants, fosters creativity, and sets a positive, fun tone for the rest of the session.

How to Play:

  1. Each participant invents an imaginary superhero.

    Example: Cryptoman

  2. After a moment of creative thinking, each participant describes their superhero’s unique power.

    Example: “Cryptoman never gives up on his coins.”

    Could crypto be his kryptonite? 🤔

This is just one of many fun and effective warm-up exercises. Try different activities to keep your retrospectives fresh, engaging, and productive. Bring your retrospectives to the next level!