Release Note: Evetro v1.5.1

The web application bundle was previously loaded into the browser upfront in its entirety, totaling 1.88 MiB as of v1.4.7. The current initial bundle size is now 650 KiB, with an additional 1.12 MiB fetched after app data initialization, leading to a net volume decrease of 7%.
For mobile users, the main bundle is reduced to 882 KiB, making the total 1.50 MiB, achieving a net volume decrease of 20%.
What Is New
- Desktop only: The Find Retrospectives page has been moved into the dashboard section, allowing users to see their list of retrospectives immediately upon signing in.
- Desktop only: My Notes has been moved from the home page into the process of the retrospective it belongs to.
- The temporary automatic migration solution has been completely removed from the application.
- Create Actions: Users can now click on the + button to add a new note group, in addition to typing text.
- Refactored a large portion of the code base, fixing various minor bugs and UI issues.
- Publish-Subscribe System: Fixed live updates on vote tally in Team Insight.
- Action List: When editing one action in the list, only the edited action updates instead of re-rendering the entire list.
- Removed one package dependency and upgraded two others after a package audit revealed multiple instances of prototype pollution (rated high severity on
- Shut down the domain one week ago.