Benefits of autonomous teams Many organizations now structure their employees in autonomous teams. In other words, teams that govern or control itself. Teams that decides for themselves how they should work to handle their daily tasks.
Release Note: Evetro v1.4.2 We have just recently released the next minor upgrade of Evetro's web application!
What are Retrospectives? If you do not have a defined reflection process, you risk falling into a work pattern where you repeatedly run into the same obstacles and learn less from your experiences. That is why many teams use retrospectives to continuously improve.
Kickstart your meeting with a warm-up exercise It’s important to engage the participants of a retrospective. Regardless of the meeting you are running, it will never be a particularly productive meeting if nobody contributes.
Release Note: Evetro v1.3.1 A new version of the Evetro application has been released! Read about a number of new features, improvements, and other fixes.
Important notice on Evetro's new version Our newest release of Evetro has switched authorization mechanism. The consequence of this upgrade is that all existing users have to register new accounts, which means the loss of access to previously created retrospectives, notes and actions. This post will resolve this inconvenient issue.