Warm-up excercise: Two truths and one lie

Warm-up excercise: Two truths and one lie

A classic game that is easy to run and helps connect people. It works well for both new teams and experienced ones. Even if you’ve worked together with your colleagues for years, you might still discover surprising and funny stories about them—whether they are true or false!


👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Group Size: 4-8 people
✍️ Prep Time: 10 min
🕑 Duration: 25 min
⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪ Difficulty Level: Easy

How to Play:

  1. Prepare the Stories

    • Each participant gets a sheet and a whiteboard pen.
    • They draw three simple images representing facts about themselves or write down a story in one sentence.
  2. Present the Drawings/Stories

    • Once everyone has drawn their respective pictures or written their stories, they take turns presenting them to the group.
  3. Guess the Lie

    • Each participant votes on what they believe to be the lie from each of the other participants.
  4. Determine the Winner

    • The participant who receives the fewest votes on their lie wins! 🎉

This game is a great way to break the ice and encourage team bonding in a fun and engaging way!